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Candidate Profile: Ted Cruz

Previous Political Experience: U.S. Senator from Texas (2013 – Present), Texas Solicitor General (2003-2008)

Ideology: Traditional Conservative. Cruz is the quintessential American conservative. Dedicated to conservative principles of a smaller government, pro-business principles, and social conservatism, Ted Cruz has the ability to become a conservative legend in the Senate. He is pro-life and anti-gun control. Cruz has declared his foreign policy views to be moderately conservative. He has passionately opposed the Affordable Care Act and raising the debt ceiling while being a forceful proponent of pro-business policies like free trade, lower taxes, and reduced regulation.

Additional Notes: Cruz, considered a rising conservative star, won a primary upset in 2012 on his way to his first term as Senator. Cruz has appeared before the Supreme Court nine times, and was considered an excellent Solicitor General. The GOP certainly hopes Cruz’s star power can attract Latino-Americans to the Republican standard, as Cruz’s father was born in Cuba. Cruz is not afraid to make waves as a young Senator, having played a role in the government shutdown in the autumn of 2013. 44 years of age.

Electoral Chances: Cruz has made headlines for his dedicated conservative stands in the Senate. It is the evident that Cruz is intelligent, passionate, and an excellent speaker. That being said, his electoral outlook is bleak. Though he has attracted a large conservative following, he has not made a ton of friends in the GOP establishment. Furthermore, Cruz has alienated the middle and moderate Democrats – who the GOP needs to win elections – by voting against popular bills like Hurricane Sandy relief and the Violence Against Women Act. His stance on these might not be wrong, but in the game of politics, these make for a brutal attack ad campaign. As this section seeks to gauge electoral prospects and not the candidate’s ideology, Cruz would have almost no chance of victory in 2016. If America takes a shift to the right, Cruz can be the guy. But for now, it’s not his time. Primary: B. General Election: D

Final Analysis: Ted Cruz’s rating below might seem low for someone for whom I have a great deal of respect. Cruz has the intelligence, oratory skills, and dedication that defines legendary politicians. Though he may not like to compromise, the Senate still needs forceful ideological leaders on both sides. The GOP needs Cruz in the Senate to be an icon of conservatism, act as a watchdog of government, and to get its small government message to the people. That being said, Cruz might not be the right fit for the Presidency in the current ideological climate. He will only have four years of Senate experience by 2016 and currently has a bit of a reputation for divisiveness. Great things lie ahead, but Cruz should work to build a resume in the Senate and trying to reach new audiences with his message.

Matt’s Candidate Rating: B-

Political History, Senate Website, On the Issues